(too old to reply)
19 years ago
see my boyfriend he is very controlling and now it is starting to get
to me so ow im asking the people what should i do because i dont have
any body like friends or family to go to and ask questions like this so
now i mean i really need help he also has a bad habit of cusing at me
and it hurts my feelings can anybidy help me and im really looking for a
good man out there but i cant seem to find one no where i guess theres
no more out there!!!!!
Dave in Lake Villa
19 years ago
There ARE nice guys out there, but you have to go to the right places to
find them. It sounds like you have learned some lessons from being with
your current b/f ; you dont want a controlling person, or one who uses
filthy foul talk toward you or about you, you are looking for someone
who will respect you for the person you are, will not try to manipulate
you, will honor you, treat you with kindness and dignity, see you as
someone who has great worth , and someone who has your best interests in
mind. Im afraid that our current culture does NOT produce these types
of virtues in a Man...especially a Single Man . But there is a place
where there are quite a few men who have these good qualities ; the
place where you will usually find such a man is in a Church. Its
because theres a good chance that the Man who regularly goes to church
is someone who seeks after God and his principles ... which are always
of high virtue and morals. Thus, such a Man is not a follower of
whatever the culture teaches, but he is a follower of what The Creator
desires for his life. A Man who loves God , seeks after him, wants
what God wants for his life...is a man who is going to treat you very
respectfully, thoughtfully, and carefully because he knows he is
directly responsible to God for his actions/words/ and behavior.

There are many large local Churches in your location that have Young
Adult Singles Groups (Ministries) where they do activities, go out to
eat, and grow in friendship to one another , and, toward God as well. I
really think you need to give this a good try ; you have nothing to
loose and everything to gain. Regards.

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